Tuesday, January 09, 2007

drowning in puke and poop

So, I go back to work and what happens? The shit hits the fan - literally. The baby just stopped puking-projectile vomiting really on Sunday-when his brother decides it is his turn to start on Monday. The baby in sympathy really (I am guessing here) starts back up w/ the projectile puke. Suddenly I am running to the bathroom. I am cold, cramping -oh yes of course I am getting my period on top of everything else. The next morning-Tuesday I am supposed to go to work. I drag myself out of bed, shower and start getting ready realizing that I now hear my husband vomiting in the bathroom next to me.

Some people have parties, some go to music festivals we have puke festivals. I had to leave work early (only my second day) to come home and take care of my kids, because my husband could barely move. He is on the couch now moaning to god something about the "kiss of death" which really is his breath if you think about it. Oh roto virus why can't they find a cure for you???


Anonymous said...

Sounds to me like you have another child...time to start retraining the husband he needs to step up to the plate even when he is sick; Mom's don't get sick days. He is a big baby that really needs a shot of grow up!

Kandice said...

That really stinks! I'm so sorry to hear about how your first week back started. I remember those days....

Anonymous said...

Thats a very nice thing to assume about me. Thanks! So glad you took the time to cheer my wonderful family on! You wish you could have 1/10th the spouse or father than I am. By the way, I am not a dog.


John, The Dad/Husband

Birdsword said...

thanks for your support Kandice. It means a lot to me!
Hey anon! whats up w/ the ugly attack on the spouse? He's a good guy-who do you thinks been cleaning up the poop and puke in the house and on the clothing?