Wednesday, June 28, 2006

So, here I am living the dream-working fulltime raising two kids and now I am writing in a blog-what does that make me? A loser? A winner? A person? Will I keep writing, do people actually read these things, who the hell is going to even look? I will say this it feels kinda running naked thru the woods w/o my glasses on. Too blurry too see how ridiculous I look. (like there is a mirror in the woods) It is a who cares type of thing, who cares what I have to say and who cares who reads this. I once wanted to be a write, but there simply isn't anytime to write-where is that room of ones own? When I had the time I was too lazy, now I am all about racing home to see my two boys and try to get thru the night w/o having a breakdown. This morning I woke up soaked in the pee of my eldest. His diaper leaked in the middle of the early am. No wonder he was tossing and turning since 4am no wonder I am so tired and cloudy. Soaked in pee while the little one nursed away from 5 to 6am. Life is um, different now. And again the question remains who cares? This is kind of like a diary that I am leaving the key out for whomever. I think I like it...but I am not sure. Lets see if I keep writing.

Long run on unedited sentences,is that what a blog is all about? Working, yet not is that what a blog is all about? At least I have music to listen to, that makes all the difference in a work environment. But really who reads this, do I send this to people? Why bother. I can just keep it out there for the cosmic reactions of nobody. Maybe it'll be cathartic. Jeez I am going to have to look for a dictionary and make sure I know how to spell, incase anyone does read this godforbid they should think I can't spell....

1 comment:

Amol Naik said...

Don’t worry, your blog will get optimized sooner or later, and traffic will increase.

Just Express yourself!

Life is hard, but we have to go on and on and on………………
We don’t have any choice.